My plan for presenting my action research project involves two different sources because my bachelors degree is in music education and my masters degree is in technology. My action research project studied the use of Facebook and an interactive choral forum as an extension of the choir classroom. My first choice for presenting my ARP is the Educational Technology Research & Development Journal because the research is focused mainly on the use of technology.
While I plan on submitting my research to be published within the next month to the Educational Technology Research & Development Journal, my overall goal is to expand on my research and present my findings at an ACDA conference. I plan on using Schoology with my students for next year rather then using Facebook and the choir forum that I established for my action research this past year. Once I gather my research on Schoology I will present the benefits of using social networking sites as an extension of the choral classroom as a presentation at an ACDA conference.
The following are links to my think out loud blogs:
My ARP is posted on Google Docs for everyone to view and leave comments. You can access my research by clicking on the following picture or link below: